Since 2001, (and have provided access for more than 20,000 antique mall, consignment and boutique dealers to conveniently check their daily sales on-line. Malls simply push a few buttons each night, and about 30 to 60 minutes later, their dealer’s have access to the latest sales information. provides dealers the following data:
- Current Sales (Detail items) that have not been paid to the dealer
- Most recent period of sales that have been paid to the dealer
- Layaway Information Details for all current (unpaid) and recently paid-off Layaway Items
- Settlement Check details for the last 24 Dealer Settlement checks
You can check out a demo by going to and enter in the following test dealer password:
Store No: 111
Dealer No: 1111
Password: sales is an optional subscription service based on the number participating dealers – about dollar+- per dealer.
Find out more about how your Dealers can checks their daily sales over the Internet: